Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Purple Sweet Potato Benefits For Health

Sweet purple or with a scientific word Poiret is indeed known as a food ingredient that can be processed into various foods or beverages. This plant is also widely regarded as the food was very tacky, but not wrong turns sweet potato is very beneficial to health than the variety of food that you think modern. Although purple sweet potato is regarded as plebeian food but contains nutrients and nutrients that are beneficial to health. Among vitamins, carbohydrate, protein, minerals and fiber. Additionally purple sweet potato also contains prebiotics, oligosaccharides and low Glycemic Index levels.

The content contained in the purple sweet potato are higher than with other types of sweet potatoes. Among ranging from 100 grams of purple sweet potato can contain vitamin A beat approximately 7700 mg vitamin A content contained in the beetroot and tomatoes. In addition there are many more comparisons contents of the content in the purple sweet potato. So that's why you should never underestimate the purple sweet potato as a food plebeian if Keith knew the properties in it. Well want to know what are the health benefits of sweet potatoes? Immediately, note the following review!

Here Benefits of Purple Sweet Potatoes Health
As a source of vitamin A
Sweet potato health benefits for the first is that it can serve as a source of vitamin A in the body. According to the explanation of the above sources of vitamins in purple sweet potato are higher than other types of food tomatoes and beets. One is vitamin A, purple sweet potato has a very high content of vitamin A include 200% of vitamins in to the body. Therefore, for those who may have problems with lack of vitamin A. then eat purple sweet potato is a solution that is best for you. Just enough to eat purple sweet potato every day your body will be much healthier than before.

Prevent Heart Attacks
Benefits kedu purple sweet potato that is able to prevent heart attacks. This is because the purple sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene and vitamin C, which both the compound serves to prevent the growth of cancer cells, cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Additionally purple sweet potato can also be befungsi as an antioxidant, anti-cancer, and can be beneficial for maintaining digestive health. This is due to have a very high fiber content in it.

As a food supplement for Asi
For the 6-month-old toddler is indispensable complementary foods, this is done to continue to make his health condition awake.  foods that can be your one of them is purple sweet potato. This is because the purple sweet potato has a high fiber content than other types of sweet potatoes. It also has a high content of vitamin A, which is believed to support the development of growth.

Now that's some explanation of benefits for the health of purple sweet potato that you can know. So  benefits that you can get by just eating foods that are cheap and very easy to get. If you are getting bored you can make the food creations to your liking.
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